Conference Phones - Yes - Tablet - 16 - 1x RJ45 up to 100Mbps - USB-A Bluetooth adapter

1 product(s) found
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Poly CALISTO CL5300-M, USB-A/BT600
Item No. 215438-01
Audiokonferenční systémí, USB-A + bluetooth + adaptér USB-A/BT, frekvenční rozsah 150Hz-20kHZ, mikrofony MEMS OMNI, fullduplex, až 30 h provozu, efekt. dosah 1-3 m,  optimalizace MS Teams

    Your selection:

    A headset designed for
    Talk time (in hours)
    • X
      1x RJ45 up to 100Mbps
    • X
      USB-A Bluetooth adapter
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    A headset designed for

    Wireless technology

    Connector type

    Talk time (in hours)

    Talk time (in minutes)

    Speaker frequency range (Hz) - maximum

    Speaker frequency range (Hz) - minimum
